
We take the love we think that we deserve.
But why? They ask. Hushed tones behind closed doors.
Why does she stay? Does she not have the nerve
To leave? They ask, and condemnation pours.

They judge, but never try to understand.
Short observations tell them all they need
To judge you, judge us. Scared, I take your hand.
From this love, I don’t want to be freed.

I never thought you perfect, but you’re mine.
And I’m not scared that you will run away.
You love me sometimes, and for me that’s fine.
Despite the things that other people say.

They’re blind with hate. The thing they cannot see,
It is not you that they should hate, but me.

Unsuitable - a poem by Pooky

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18 Responses to Unsuitable

  1. From you first line I thought oh I think I know where this is going. Domestic violence in whatever form it comes is despicable. Whether it is the male or female as the perpetrator it is a hell for the victim. I think it is sad that so often the victim is made to feel the one responsible, when life really should be simpler if we each took responsibility for our respective actions. But humans don’t behave that way, its always someone elses fault. Another good poem Pooky dealing with very difficult issues for so many people, me having been one.


  2. mtanub says:

    Reblogged this on writhewriter and commented:
    Takes guts to say it out. We al ash the questions


  3. Such a disturbing poem. Something you must come across a lot in your line of work. So well expressed. It’s like you are in someone else’s head.


    • PookyH says:

      thank you. I do come across it a lot sadly. I also seem to find it almost too easy to enter others’ heads which is helpful for empathising but leaves me needing hugs if I’ve had a heavy day at work.


  4. On a different note – are you taking part in this? http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/napowrimo-2014/#like-25756
    . . . to wrote a poem a day for the month of April, which of course you are already doing.


  5. wbdeejay says:

    So easy to pass judgement, without understanding…
    A very unsettling poem in the sense of bringing a realisation of what we need to understand.


  6. jenjilks says:

    There is healing in writing of pain. Also, in speaking out against cruelty. Well done.


    • PookyH says:

      thank you – the darker poems do tend to get people thinking and even talking sometimes… I love your cookie poem. Not sure if my comment has worked? x


  7. Pooky I’ve been catching up on the poems I missed, but I have to stop for now. This one cuts to the bone.
    My mother battered my sister and I all our childhood; when we left home she used words instead of belts, fists and flames. All we ever wanted was her love. It took her death to free us.


    • PookyH says:

      It is beyond me how any mother can ever do this to her own child. Utterly beyond me.

      Did anybody know?

      I’m sorry. I wish I could take even an ounce of that pain away.

      Love you xx


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