About Pooky

Edit – February 2015 – I’ve now written a poem a day for over 500 consecutive days. A lot of them are told in the first person but are not about me, but inspired by the stories of others. Some are about me or told by the voice of my past.

I’m a mum of two gorgeous girls who works in child and adolescent mental health and I love to write about pretty much anything.

I decided to set myself the challenge of writing a poem a day one random September morning in 2013 when, never having written a poem before, I found myself penning a short poem for a family funeral – as no existing poems seemed to fit the bill.

I wondered if I’d have the discipline to keep writing poetry – and if so, whether with practice I could become any good at it.  I’ve now written a poem a day for over 200 consecutive days.  Whether I’m any good at it I’ll leave you to be the judge of, but I do love that some of my poems get people talking, and others make them smile.

Here are 5 of my most popular poems to give you a taster:

To My God Daughter

Stigma (a poem for world mental health day)

Goodbye (a poem for eating disorders awareness week)

You never lived inside my tummy

Life amongst the fairies – a children’s story poem

Please take a moment to read a poem or two and leave a comment.  I love it when people take the time to tell me what my poems made them think or feel.

You can tweet me: PookyH

Or connect with me on linked in: uk.linkedin.com/in/pooky/


82 Responses to About Pooky

  1. beeseeker says:

    So far, so good.
    Best wishes.
    Thanks for finding the time to have a look at and follow my blog.


  2. Caddo says:

    Well Done!! Both on the student mental health front–and the poetry writing. Keep going–this is good for you, and will bless many others. God bless you.


  3. willowdot21 says:

    Hi there thanks for following me, you are most welcome , visit any time and also I see you have joined us at Poetry corner! I hope you enjoy your time writing, I love writing it helps me live!! Be well and happy and full of poetry! 😉


  4. Any good at it??!! You have such talent, please keep writing! 🙂



  5. Instead of posting the Social Links in the About page, you can create a new Contact Pooky page.
    This will certainly make your blog look more professional.


  6. I’ve come to your blog via Christine, @ journeyintopoetry. I think you’re already very good at it. I live in Australia and have just had a wonderful early morning chuckle reading your delightful poems.
    I agree with, Christine, please keep writing.


    • PookyH says:

      Hello to Australia – where abouts are you? The poem I wrote about far flung friends was about a very close friend who lives in Australia. We only just met for the first time face to face the day I wrote that poem (on the train home) but it felt like we’d been living in each others’ pockets forever. Distance means nothing (though I wish I could be teleported to her living room sometimes!)


  7. I live in a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. The south east end of Australia. I have quite a few friends who live overseas but they are always only a heartbeat away.


  8. wbdeejay says:

    Thanks for following my blog after a chance meeting via Cubby. From the small sample I’ve read so far you write beautifully. Don’t worry about your style. I’ve found the key is to write true to yourself and you will find others that appreciate that honesty.


    • PookyH says:

      Thank you, that means a huge amount to me. I think I’m at the very start of what I think will prove to be a fun journey. I have hugely enjoy the poems of yours I have read too so I’m delighted we found each other via the delightful Cubby!


  9. randomblurting says:

    I like the premise of your blog! I wish you the best with it- you are obviously doing well, otherwise you wouldn’t have provided inspiration to Cubby!! I look forward to delving into your archive and future posts 🙂


    • PookyH says:

      Thank you – I’m really enjoying it. I’ve never written poetry before (I must have written it at school?) but find myself thinking in rhyme now!

      Thanks for coming by. I look forward to reading more of your posts and sharing mine with you too.

      What got you started?


      • randomblurting says:

        You’re welcome Pooky!

        Yes, same here, I hadn’t written poetry since school either! It is so great that you re-discovered it 🙂

        I look forward to reading yours too!

        I actually started this blog not specifically for poetry!!! It was supposed to be a ‘general’ blog about life and all that encompasses it. When I started reading other posts/blogs and many were about poetry, I got inspired and started writing poems too! So I kind of ‘fell into it’. Although, I always loved reading poems before and shared them as statuses on Facebook for example. I love Rumi and Shams Tabrizi, so I tended to share their work a lot. So I had a great affinity with poetry always, but I had never tried writing it myself before until a few months ago. I started this blog around middle of May.


      • PookyH says:

        You seem so comfortable and accomplished with poetry, I just assumed you’d always done it!

        I’m not sure if I’ve come across Rumi and Shams Tabrizi, I will search for them…


      • randomblurting says:

        Aww thanks Pooky!

        I have shared some Rumi poetry on my blog if you want to search for it! 🙂


  10. M E McMahon says:

    Your poems are delightful so keep writing them! And, this comes from a writer who can’t put two rhymes together!


    • PookyH says:

      Oh thank you – I’m glad you like some of what you’ve read. I’m really enjoying writing them but find it surprising that some people seem to enjoy reading them too but it’s absolutely lovely when people take a moment to feedback on what they’ve read.


  11. Russ L says:

    Hey Pooky!
    I like your poetry. It’s fun! Don’t worry about what comes out. Depending on your moods and your muse, you’ll write all kinds. That’s part of the journey. :0


    • PookyH says:

      Thanks Russ – it’s hard not to feel intimated by all the talented folk writing proper poems out there – but I’m certainly growing to really enjoy it!

      Thanks for your words of encouragement.


  12. Your poems are creative and fun – for big kids and I would think little kids too! Good luck with the one-a-day regime. Thanks for your visit to my blog.


  13. GiniClare says:

    This is wonderful! In June 2013 (this year) I took up the same challenge to do exactly the same thing and post a poem a day to raise awareness for a condition that I have and for a charity called stars.org.uk who support individuals who suffer from this. It’s been an amazing journey so far so I wish you all the best and hope you really enjoy your challenge as much I am mine! I will look forward to stopping by and reading some of your offerings 🙂 All the best from Gini at ginzandtonic.com


    • PookyH says:

      Oh wow – it sounds like a fantastic challenge you’ve undertaken. I look forward to reading some of your poems too.. Thanks for coming by and for your encouragement 🙂


  14. glip says:

    Thanks very much for following my blog! You’ve taken on a great challenge here! Love the poems.


    • PookyH says:

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I’m glad you like them…. they’re… eclectic. I’m hoping they’ll improve 🙂

      Looking forward to following your posts!


  15. Thanks so much for the follow and the support on my blog! It’s greatly appreciated. You’ve got a great one over here, and I’m looking forward to following!



    • PookyH says:

      Thanks Andrew! I’m really looking forward to following your posts too. WordPress.com has come on a long way since I last used it, I’m loving the sense of community 🙂


  16. Mr. CATSOE says:

    Hi.. Thanks so very much for stopping by my Blog.
    Poetry.. as all forms of art.. is never “accomplished”. It (s) a never ending discipline requiring never ending practice.
    I sometimes question if a poem is truly finished.. or merely abandoned.. in order to refresh the mind with something new.
    Am truly enjoying your work and looking forward to reading more.


  17. Thank you so much for joining us on wePoets, it’s much appreciated. We’d be happy to showcase your poetry should you want to share. If so, our submission and theme pages explain everything. 🙂


  18. marysue128 says:

    Hi there, thank you for visiting my blog and for letting me lead to your beautiful blog. Let me be honest, I was never really good at interpreting poems but your pieces just spoke straight to my heart. Please keep on writing. I look forward to reading more of your posts. xx from Melbourne


    • PookyH says:

      Thanks so much Mary Sue. That means a lot to me. I’m not very good at interpreting “proper poetry” either which is why what I write is so simple. I’m delighted that some of my words strike a chord though. I look forward to reading more of your posts too. Thanks for taking the time to stop by xx


  19. refinedrandomness says:

    I enjoy reading some of your posts !! Thank you so much for stopping by mine and the follow….(your name is too cute) Have a wonderful day !! Ellie


    • PookyH says:

      Thanks for coming by. I’m glad you found something you liked here. I’m just getting started and it’s quite a mix!

      I love your name too – you share it with one of my daughters so if you stick about you’ll find I write poems about you quite often 😉

      Looking forward to reading more of your posts too xx


  20. siggiofmaine says:

    You wrote ….:”It’s amazing how you can have all those years but you feel like you want more years, or at least weeks or even hours….” which reminded me of a conversation I had with a man who was fifty-ish…who told me at the nurses station, after his father who had dementia died, ” I’m an orphan now (a new thought for me). Whether he knew me or not, he was still my father, and I could come and talk with him.” (paraphrased)
    It was long ago…but I remember how his words struck me… and I noticed over the years, that most people want their loved ones, just one more day.
    Thank you for your lovely poem, and encourage you to not be discouraged miss a day once in a blue moon… for some days, the words will flow into many poems, and some days life is what gets in the way when you are making other plans.
    Thank you for the follow…
    Will enjoy looking forward to reading many more of your poems.



    • PookyH says:

      Thanks for your lovely comment. I think you’re right that there is never enough time, no matter how much we have!

      I am currently enjoying one a day – but I am only a month in. We shall see. I am on holiday next week so perhaps that is the moment my attention will slip…

      I look forward to reading more of your posts too x


  21. Hi Pooky, thanks for the follow. Keep juggling those two hats. It’s great exercise.


    • PookyH says:

      Thanks Barb! I’m one of those people who gets bored easily.. Looking forward to reading your posts. Thanks for stopping by.


      • You’re welcome. I think I’m sailing towards my 1200th post, so there’s plenty for you to trawl through. Sorry can’t help with the poetry. Just not my thing, but looks like you’ve got plenty of advice here. cheers.


  22. cpsingleton42 says:

    Hi! Lovely to virtually meet you! Look forward to reading your work.


  23. ncbek says:


    Thank you for the follow!
    I appreciate any and all feedback, as well as comments about my poetry.
    Hope you can find others that you enjoy to read.
    I am going to poke around and see what gems you have to offer now – Thanks again!

    Forever lost without reason our minds are our own



    • PookyH says:

      Thanks – I too appreciate feedback as I’m just getting started. It’s fantastic finding others to follow who are writing poetry too. I love to learn about the different approaches people take to writing their own poetry, and also the different approaches they take to thinking about mine! I look forward to reading more of your poetry. Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to comment too. I appreicate it. Pooky


  24. Adrian Mitchell says:

    I love reading your site Pooky. Thanks for sharing!


  25. Hi,

    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Congrats!

    Follow this link: http://painttheworldwithwords.wordpress.com/?p=494


  26. Morgan says:

    Hello! I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for several Awards. Congratulations! If you are an Award Free Blog, please simply accept my appreciation of the inspiration you share and the support you have shown me. Should you choose to accept the awards, the criteria and acceptance info can be found here: http://booknvolume.com/2013/11/10/ta-in-other-words/


  27. petrel41 says:

    Congratulations, Pooky!

    I have nominated your blog for the Blog Of The Year 2013 Award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Blog Of The Year 2013 Award, thanks Tazein!


  28. Wendy says:

    Congratulations on your various awards. I would like to inform you that your blog has been nominated for the Inner Peace Award. Please visit http://joyfulyue.com/awards/

    Have a peaceful week ahead!


  29. Pooky, thank you for the follow. You in turn have articles and issues that I am very interested in. I look forward to getting to know you and your writings.

    Be blessed


  30. Otrazhenie says:

    You have been nominated for a Christmas Award Bouquet – see details at http://otrazhenie.wordpress.com/2013/12/16/christmas-award-bouquet/. Select one award of your choice and have a Merry Christmas. 🙂


  31. Venkat says:

    As an upcoming blogger and the pieces of inspiration you provide, I nominate you for the liebster award. Please visit http://quatrainpoems.wordpress.com/about/awards/ to check it out!


  32. bloodnshadow says:

    Hi there! 🙂
    I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Please accept it.

    The Versatile Blogger Award


  33. Frank says:

    hey pooky, thanks for stopping by – look forward to more of your posts!
    take care


  34. Dear Pooky, thank you for ‘liking’ my poem. I am following in your footsteps, writing a poem a day. This is the first year that I have participated in NaPoWriMo. I have written poetry since high school, but only sporadically. I recently became a member of a local poetry club and I’ve taken up my pen again. I’m also writing fiction, and one art seems to inform the other. I’m impressed at how much you have written and how good it is. I hope sometime I have as many ‘follows’ and ‘likes’ as you.


    • PookyH says:

      Thanks for your lovely comment – I’ve found it a hugely enjoyable process which quite rapidly became a part of my routine I simply could not compromise on. I do wonder where the follows and likes come from, I fear that people may be quite bemused when they follow on a day I’ve written a children’s story poem and the next I’m exploring something deep and difficult like suicide!

      I love the idea of a poetry club – this sounds silly but what do you do? Do you write together or read other people’s poetry together? I know nothing about poetry and keep meaning to learn a little but life has been quite busy (I just finished my PhD alongside working full time and having two four year old kids).

      I will look forward to reading your posts – I have found the most important thing is to write regularly (both with regards to this current poetry project and other blogging projects and jobs I’ve had). If you force yourself to write every day or to some pattern then there is no chance for blockage…. if you only post sporadically and when you have something ‘good enough’ then you don’t post at all. Many of the posts and poems I’ve written which have proven the most popular have been the ones I was less pleased with. x


  35. Hi Pooky,
    I have nominated you for a Sisterhood Award. I always enjoy, relate to and/or commiserate with your posts and appreciate your likes and comments on my posts. Sista! http://whichwaynow101.wordpress.com/2014/04/17/sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-award/
    Kind regards,

    Liked by 1 person

  36. DarcSunshine says:

    I truly love your poetry. It is inspiring, beautiful writing. I was wondering if you would like to contribute a poem to my “way to vent” page http://darcsunshine.wordpress.com/a-way-to-vent/ It would be an honor if you decided to do so. If you are interested contact me at youthofanationblog@gmail.com Thank you for your time and creativity 🙂


  37. I have featured you in my weekly blog rec as I really enjoy your poetry. 🙂 If you wish for me to remove you from the list for any reason do let me know. Here is the link – http://wp.me/p4gNzR-xH . Have a great weekend!


  38. martha0stout says:

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger and Sunshine awards. Your poems always make me smile, even if it’s a sad smile and your poetry prompts have been really helpful.

    Versatile Sunshine


  39. words4jp says:

    Hi! I hope you do not mind, but I mentioned you in challenge – I understand if you do not want to do it – https://words4jp.wordpress.com/2015/03/15/love-in-ten-sentences/

    You would be perfect at writing a 10 for 10 on love:)


  40. Hi there, this is just to say I’ve nominated you for an award on my blog https://bethcanreflect.wordpress.com/2015/04/03/awards/ 🙂


  41. arun says:

    Amazing blog ! I’m following it right now !

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Otrazhenie says:

    Love your poetry, Pooky. It always amazes me how well you find the right words to express various feelings. Thanks for creating this beautiful collection of poems.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Scout says:

    Pooky, I think your poetry is beautiful. Sometimes it makes me cry. I relate to so much of it. I’m not a poet but I’ll give it a try now and then. I’ve finally gotten my new blog started http://scoutsthoughts.wordpress.com/ and closed my healing blog (mandy). I wanted to contact my favorite bloggers to let you know. I’ll go by Scout. 🙂


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