And so she drank

She looked at her bounty.
Two cats, one fish,
A child that didn’t love her,
And a husband, estranged.
Her time had been wasted.
The oxygen she breathed
Better spent on another,
And so she drank.
Oblivion, her only comfort.


This entry was posted in #NaPoWriMo, depression, Mental Health, Poetry Challenges, self-harm and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

24 Responses to And so she drank

  1. Enough said – shudder xx


    • PookyH says:

      I thought of you…

      How are you? xxx


      • Im ok thanks. Went for first osteopathy for MS related back pain and it left me feeling a sense of well being I havent felt for a while. So going to go regularly. It wont get rid of the pain completely but feeling re-energised for a while will do for me! 😊 X


      • PookyH says:

        I just saw on FB and left you a rambly comment there… fabulous that it left you feeling so good. That was my experience too. Also my osteopath was just lovely so it was a welcome break in my schedule.

        Happy days! xxx


  2. Brenda says:

    Whew! I hope to never feel like that!


  3. C.J. Black says:

    The empty glass syndrome.


  4. words4jp says:

    Reminds me of my dad. 😦


    • PookyH says:

      Oh I’m sorry. It’s very hard to live with these kinds of emotions and behaviours.


      • words4jp says:

        My father started drinking when he was 10. And drank till the day he died at 67. He never said why, tho I asked. This piece kinda helped me imagine him in the position of ‘she’


      • PookyH says:

        That must have been so difficult for you (and for him)


      • words4jp says:

        It was – he died a few years ago. A choice he made. He could have lived longer but drinking and smoking is a no no when one is on radiation therapy. I always wondered why he did what he did – for all those years – I ask him when I was a kid and he would always evade the question. I never got an answer and I still hate the fact that I never have, but I have come to a better place of peace inside regarding my father. There seems like there will always be the whys inside, which is silly because he is dead. No sense thinking them. Right?


      • PookyH says:

        No sense but you can’t control your thoughts, you can only rationalise them. But it sounds like you are in a better place now…. that is a lot to come to terms with, I’m sure a part of you will always wonder. Sometimes there isn’t an answer. He may not have been able to tell you even if he wanted to.


  5. wbdeejay says:

    A sorry situation. In some ways I understand this through the way I’ve been feeling lately. Even though my story is altogether different, the emotions are familiar.


  6. jfb57 says:

    So sad to think we probably know folks like this but don’t know of their situation. Beautifully written Pooky.


    • PookyH says:

      Thank you – yes, I think everybody knows somebody like this but we usually only find out years later, if at all, as there is so much stigma, shame and guilt attached…


  7. Well written. I love your poetry.


    • PookyH says:

      Thank you! That’s such a kind thing to say. I tend to feel shy even referring to it as poetry as I have no idea what I’m doing but I do so enjoy this evening ritual of mine!


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