Thank you Mum (a Shakespearian sonnet)

If I could have my time again, then I
Would listen to your words with greater care.
Back then I shrugged them off, and didn’t try
To understand the meaning hidden there.
You loved me more than I could ever know.
I walked away and left your loving arms
Empty, cold, you tried so hard to show
That tender touch and soothing words can calm.
My teenage self was full of hate and bile.
I thought I hated you and hated life.
In truth it’s taken really quite a while,
But now that I’m a Mum and I’m a wife,
I understand the love you tried to share.
So thank you Mum for always being there.

Thank You Mum - a poem by Pooky

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30 Responses to Thank you Mum (a Shakespearian sonnet)

  1. This is lovely Pooky, a beautifully expressed sentiment and so good that you come to realise that the greatest supporters we ever have are our parents, shame we don’t appreciate them at the time.
    Very cleverly done.


  2. Cubby says:

    Beautiful sonnet. I can relate to the feelings if not the actual circumstances of the poem as I do not have children. Excellent piece! 🙂


    • PookyH says:

      I think a lot of it is just about growing up and learning to love others isn’t it. Being a Mum helped me come to that understanding but it’s just a part of the picture…


  3. Trevor KNightsmith says:

    That is really sweet Pooky .Your mum won’t see if as she doesn’t go on faceache, but ill print it out and show it to her .

    she is showing the signs of being really poorly again at the moment , but this will mean more to her than anything to her xx


    • PookyH says:

      Oh thanks Dad. That means a huge amount to me. Sorry to hear Mum isn’t doing well. I guess it’s coming up to that time of year. Please give her a hug from me. xx


  4. hugmamma says:

    I’m a mum who’s over the moon in love with my daughter…and blest that she feels the same in return. hugs for sharing your feelings about your mum…


    • PookyH says:

      Thanks for your kind comment. I share a very special bond with my daughters too. I feel blessed. Whether, like me, they will push me away in their teenage years remains to be seen but I hope not as I think it would break my heart.


      • hugmamma says:

        It sounds like you’ve got your relationship with your daughters covered now and in the future. And I understand what you mean by heartbreak. Mine would do the same if something ever came between my daughter, my only child, and me.


      • PookyH says:

        I noticed that she was the first thing mentioned on your about page. I think that’s wonderful.


  5. Adrian Mitchell says:

    This is a lovely poem Madam. I smiled the whole way through it!


  6. A beautiful poem, Pooky, and rather good for your first sonnet.
    My son and husband taught me about inconditional love. My son never out-grew displays of affection. He always kissed and hugged his dad and me. I’m so thankful for the constancy of his love.
    I have letters from him that I treasure just as I’m sure your mum will treasure this sonnet.
    Tricia xo


    • PookyH says:

      That’s really lovely – so far my girls are also very tactile and affectionate. Long may it continue.

      I’m so glad you have those precious letters as a physical reminder of all that love. x


  7. wbdeejay says:

    Learning to understand the love of our parents, if we didn’t feel it as a child, is a great gift. Maturity and release from anger.


    • PookyH says:

      It makes me feel guilty for time lost but I just spoke to my Mum and she seems genuinely touched and very forgiving (though she took quite some convincing that I’d written the poem myself!)


  8. anumshafique says:

    It is such a shame that we realize the worth of our parents too late. My late grandmother always said the same: she said there is such irony in life, we realize we should have loved our parents more than we did when we ourselves become parents and our children will realize they need to love and respect us more when they leave us and go have children of their own… :/ You reminded me of her here. Beautiful poem.


  9. Trevor KNightsmith says:

    Your mum didn’t realise that you had written the poem yourself , but she had a chat with Shakespeare on the phone, and he put her right (or should that be write?).

    ” Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.


    • PookyH says:

      Better indeed. Yes Mum told me she didn’t realise I’d written this. Tom & the family said the same when I wrote the first poem for his great grandpa (that was my first poem) maybe I need to start writing BY POOKY on them all 😉


  10. Trevor KNightsmith says:

    Mind you, she is well bonkers at the moment xx


  11. lulupoetrycorner says:

    I can relate with this. It was crazy growing up in a large, strict household. I have so made up to my Mom, in all ways.


  12. Just beautiful, Pooky!


  13. Took some strength and maturity to write this. It blows my head thinking of our children feeling to us certainly how I felt to my parents.


    • PookyH says:

      I know…me too…I think we’re doing all we can to build honest, open, loving relationships.. However, being a teenager is hard so all we can do is see. We will have each other for support and straight talking though.


  14. Trevor KNightsmith says:

    I’m an orphan xx


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