I hold her tight

I hold her tight
This girl of mine,
For fear that she might fall;
For fear that with a looser grip
She’d not be here at all.
I kiss her boo boos,
Wipe her tears,
Shoulder worries,
Combat fears,
I hold her hand
And mop her brow,
I comfort, love
And show her how.
I hold her tight,
This girl of mine,
Until one day I see;
My grip has changed,
I don’t hold her,
My daughter now holds me.

[For Ellie, with love, as she turns seven and for all mothers and daughters everywhere on international woman’s day]

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3 Responses to I hold her tight

  1. heather anne says:

    So lovely 🙂 What a beautiful photo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jfb57 says:

    Such a beautiful piece for two beautiful women. Stay safe together xx


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