Man and Boy

I’m you,
From the future
Said the man
To the boy.
And the boy couldn’t help
But to feel
Somewhat coy..
If the story
This weathered old man
Told was true
Then imagine
The things
He had seen
And he knew.
But it couldn’t be true..
Prove it!
Challenged the boy.
And now, not the boy,
But the man,
Became coy.
On your left little toe,
There’s a nasty red mark,
That you got
When you tripped
As you weed in the dark,
And your Mum
Calls you pumpkin,
You don’t like blue cheese,
And you’re ever so
Madly in love
With Louise.
But could it be true?
Just how could it be so?
Said the boy to the man
Who just shrugged
I don’t know…
But it’s lovely to see you,
To see me, I mean.
And they looked at each other
And each wiped his face clean,
And then brushed back his hair
With a right-handed flick,
And gave his snub nose
A surreptitious, quick pick.
Similarities uncanny,
They soon turned their mind
To consider what differences
Between them they’d find.
Well the man was quite old
And quite weathered and worn,
Whilst the boy was quite young,
Hair untidily shorn.
The old man had seen
Quite a lot of the world,
He was jaded,
Dreams faded,
The young boy
Not so.
For adventure
And travels and fun
Filled his thoughts,
And in his spare time
He got up to
All sorts,
Whilst the old man preferred
To relax and recline,
And read a good book
Whilst he supped a fine wine.
But the more time
They spent
With each other,
The more,
Both the man
And the boy
Of one thing,
Became sure,
That despite the differences,
There couldn’t be more,
That this self-seeded friendship
Would surely endure.

Today’s prompt is to write a poem which features a time difference.

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15 Responses to Man and Boy

  1. Now that is very creative!! What a cute story.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa says:

    This is Amazing!


  3. Mayfair Mum says:

    Still love your fun poems. I can see English teachers pulling these out for Lit Crit classes in future years!


  4. words4jp says:

    Very sweet. This would be a cool experience – for real. 😉


    • PookyH says:

      Wouldn’t it just. I’m not sure if I’d get on with my past self, but hopefully I’d like my future self a little more (though maybe she’d like me!) I remember Tom once saying it was a shame we didn’t meet before we were 19 (which felt old at the time, of course) and I realised, with some certainty, that if he’d met me sooner we’d not have gotten on as we did as I was quite a different person back then. I didn’t like me and I fear he wouldn’t have either!


  5. This reminded me of the times I would tell my students what it was like when I was a kid, they found it fascinating and puzzling that we managed with out the internet or mobile phones, that TV was black and white that we wrote letters. I loved the inference in your piece that the old man and boy developed some bond, even though at times I thought it may have been the same person.

    Liked by 1 person

    • PookyH says:

      I don’t think I ever decided on that… I read it as time travel and also as reflection / projection and couldn’t decide…. Maybe it’s better left ambiguous!

      Like your pupils, my girls can’t conceive that iPads haven’t always existed and that we didn’t have mobile phones when I was their age. I wonder what will fascinate their children in that way?


      • You wonder don’t you. My dad was fascinated by the internet though he never tried to use it. I agree leave it ambiguous that way we can all interpret it in our own way.


  6. Very cleverly written Pooky xx


  7. Brilliant as both an evocative piece and also a great story well told. Thanks


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