And then there was you (my 200th daily poem!)

Today’s poem, my 200th, is written to my husband about why he makes me want to live. It is inspired by my first poem, written in memory of my husband’s grandfather shortly after he died.

There was a time, when
I had not yet met you.
Life was punctuated with a desire to die.
I’m not sure where my head was at.
Never one thought, but 99.
And not one good, back then.
Life was full of people,
But no one to tend
To what was broken, to
Take my hand and to say:
It will be okay….a
Sentiment for which my heart was ripe;
Yet all I did was slowly age.
Before you, life was not good.
But then, a time of new beg-innings
A fresh start, a
Chance to try again at life,
To do it well,
And feel that I had lived.
It almost felt too good, but
Soon, ‘I’ became ‘we’
It turned out, you were all I’d ever wanted…
No more thoughts of dying, each day I want another.
With you, each day is a perfect day.

And then there was you - a poem by Pooky

Today is my 200th day of writing a poem a day. I’m participating in NaPoWriMo where lots of people write a poem a day using an optional prompt each day of April. Today’s prompt was a ‘golden shovel‘ which proved very hard. Poem A inspires your poem – poem B. If you read back the last word of each line of poem B, you’ll be reading poem A…

So for my 200th poem, I took the first stanza of my very first poem as inspiration. If you read the last word of each line in the poem above, you’ll read the first verse of ‘A ripe old age‘ written in memory of my husband’s grandfather.

Thank you for all the support and encouragement over the past 200 days – I wonder if I will make it to 300?

This entry was posted in #NaPoWriMo, Death, depression, Eating Disorders, Emotions, Family, Life Lessons, Mental Health, Poetry Challenges, Relationships, Romantic, self-harm, To my husband and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

26 Responses to And then there was you (my 200th daily poem!)

  1. Congratulations on 200! Enjoy the journey to 300.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


  2. topazo says:

    this is beautiful…I am sure he is blushing hard reading this,,,i sure would.
    yes, you will make it to 300, I am confident about that…you still have so much to share


  3. That is the loveliest poem I have read so far this NaPoWriMo. Thanks for showing me how a real ‘golden shovel’ should look!


    • PookyH says:

      Thank you, that’s very kind of you and I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve no idea if it’s true to the form, but I tried hard and only cheated once (with beg-innings for innings…) but I noticed that the poem which orginated the form also ‘cheated’ so therefore if can’t be cheating… right?

      I had to go freestyle rather than use today’s prompt as I write my poems in the dark on my iPhone whilst my daughter is falling asleep so no looking through the window for me!


  4. Your poem is so clever but the message is disturbing. You seem so together now. Congratulations on your 200th poem and however many happy days since you met your husband.


    • PookyH says:

      I like to think I’m quite together now though, like us all, I have my moments. On May 1st it will be 11 years since I met Tom. A lot has changed. I have a lot to be grateful to him for.

      And thank you. I’m quite pleased and surprised that it’s already 200.


  5. “I became we”

    Perfect. I’m happy you found the puzzle piece to fit your own.


  6. wbdeejay says:

    Standing alone, this poem is excellent, and I love seeing you write so well in a different style. Then I read the Original poem, taking the last word from each line, and I am super impressed and moved by this combination you have written.
    I will definitely give this a go myself. xx


  7. Snowman5678 says:

    Lovely Poem! btw I nominated you for the Quartlet of Radiance award:


  8. Otrazhenie says:

    Beautiful poem. All the best to you and your husband and looking forward to the next 200 poems 🙂


  9. Ah Pooky tis is great, a very moving poem in its own right. And yet you very clevely handled the challenge! Well done you!. I dont think I could have done it, or if I could it wouldnt be ready until next year’s challenge!! Lol xx


    • PookyH says:

      I think you’d manage it admirably. I was almost certain it was beyond me but I ended up with something that I thought fitted the brief okay…

      How are you doing this week? I hope that things have settled a little following the low that followed mother’s day x


      • Thanks Pooky. Yes Im much better thank you; its one of those things that, although Im always prepared for them to happen, it never becomes any easier to handle when they arive. And although I am fully aware that the dark feelings will pass, I simply cant see it while Im “in it” if any of that makes sense! X


      • PookyH says:

        it makes perfect sense. I’m glad that knowing you’ll have to live through the lows doesn’t stop you from enjoying the highs though. I’m glad to hear things are a bit better x


  10. Pooky this poem has great resonance for me. I’m so pleased you found each other. Not everyone finds ‘their person’. Those of us who do are blessed beyond words.

    The form is amazing and you have followed it beautifully. It’s a two for one poem.
    Congratulations on 200 poems.
    Love Tricia xx


  11. Brilliantly done. I quite enjoyed that.

    And well done on 200! (Though I think it’s 208 now?) Such dedication to write every single day! I so wish I could muster that much — I have lots of writing in me that is pushing to get out but I just find it so hard to commit to writing on a regular basis. My writing has always been very sporadic and mostly when I feel deeply inspired. I admire you though, and I might put your idea into practice some time in the near future.

    All the best. x


    • PookyH says:

      It’s worth trying, if you only write when you feel inspired then it’s hard for your writing to live up to your expectations. If you make a habit of writing every day or every other day then some days it’s average but other days it takes you by surprise. And inspiration can come from the strangest places when you look for it… good luck!


  12. You are my role model for BIC. Annie Lamott’s Butt in chair mantra…….chapbook to follow? I do hope.


    • PookyH says:

      Now I’ve googled BIC and chapbook, thank you 😉

      When I started writing a poem a day I just idly wondered if I’d get better if I kept doing it, now it’s just part of my routine and a great outlet when needed.

      Off to nosy at your blog now, your name intrigues me!


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